Javascript DHTML Image Web Scroller Powered by amrelisankul Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony :
The foundation laying stone of SHAIKSHANIK SANKUL took place on 25-12-1997 on 27 acres of land given by the Government of Gujarat in Amreli. On this occasion many trustees and donors who were present announced donations of crores of rupees to the Institution which was not at all expected or even imagined. It was really a rare instance in the history of Saurashtra. In the auspicious presence of the then Chief Minister, Shri Keshubhai Patel, the President of the Institution hon'ble Shri Vasantbhai Gajera also announced to donate rupees 1.25 crore to the Institution. Forthwith so many other trustees and education loving donors gave a strong footing to the Amreli Shaikshanik Sankul with their full heart & soul support and faith. On this occasion many local volunteers present also expressed their firm determination to this holy cause and took a vow to contribute their all the possible co-operation and hard work in this holy mission of education.
Beginning of Academic Activities in full motion :
As soon as the construction of the infrastructure of Sankul got completed the educational activities and work went on stream. In the first year the Primary and the Secondary school section was started. Forthwith the arrangement and provision of the fooding and lodging facilities for students was also made. Today education for the girls students right from the Primary school to College of higher education are available. The Primary and Secondary education is being imparted both in Gujarati and English medium, In the same campus there is also well furnished hostels and mess facility and other infrastructure for the education of girls students are available on a very large scale. This is unique and first of its kind in Saurashtra region.
Land Dedication :
The Government of Gujarat took a decision to allot land to Shree Amreli Jilla Leuva Patel Charitable Trust - Surat, for the upcoming Educational Garden Sankul in Amreli. Therefore, with a view to translate the strong commitment and objectives towards the cause of educational welfare and social obligations, the Government of Gujarat decided to encourage and compliment the people by fixing the date of 25th of December, 1997, Thursday at 9:30 a.m. for land handover ceremony.